How to Protect Ducks from Predators

How to Protect Ducks from Predators

Strategies for How to Protect Ducks from Predators How to protect ducks from predators.  Well that is easy.  Secure the coop and build it from solid materials.  Develop a fully hardened enclosure.  Remove food and water during the day.  Create a fence around the...
Can Ducks and Chickens Share a Coop

Can Ducks and Chickens Share a Coop

Can Ducks and Chickens Share a Coop and Run? Yes! Chickens and ducks can live together peacefully and share a coop.    It does require a little planning so that the chicken roost is not located above the sleeping location for the ducks.  However, these two backyard...
Cheap Duck Coop Ideas

Cheap Duck Coop Ideas

Looking for Cheap Duck Coop Ideas? Ducks don’t need much to be happy with their home.  Hence cheap duck coop ideas are often the way to go for urban homesteaders raising animals on a budget. A proper duck house can be made from countless free materials or...
Backyard Duck Coop

Backyard Duck Coop

Backyard Duck Coop Best Practices A backyard duck coop needs to have a minimum of 4 square feet of space per duck.  The duck coop should have a roof and secure door that closes shut at night.  A duck house should have adequate ventilation due to the heavy moisture...
How to Raise Ducks

How to Raise Ducks

How to Raise Ducks The basics you need to know to raise ducklings into happy egg-laying adult ducks Life Stages of a Duck Water for Ducks Shelter for Ducks Food for Ducks Duck Basics Ducks are an excellent addition to any homestead.  Raising ducklings to mature adults...