About Urban Homesteading PDX

Everything to get you started with your gardens, food forest, backyard poultry to create a beautiful urban homestead.

About Us

ducks in the urban homestead

We are excited to share our adventures of growing and raising animals on an urban lot.

I am John Johnson, an avid urban gardener in the greater Portland Oregon area.  I grew up romping around mom’s strawberry patch and helping grandma grow giant zucchini’s.  The last 10 years my wife and I have been building our urban farm oasis in the middle of the city.  Our lot is larger than the typical city lot and we have maximized every square foot for growing fruits and veggies and creating a welcoming place for our chickens and ducks.  We love cultivating flowers for the bees and hummingbirds that visit our yard.

We raise ducks and chickens in our urban lot.  We also have planted a large food forest including apple, pear, persimmon, quince, cherry, apricot, and pawpaw trees.  Our favorite understory shrubs include blueberries, raspberries, marionberries, honeyberries, and jostaberries.  We grow a substantial garden with both in ground garden beds and raised garden beds.  These are stories from our adventures growing food and raising animals in an urban setting and the tools that we use to make it happen.  

You can stay in tune with our stories by following us on Instagram Urban Duck Forest or our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@urbanhomesteadingpdx

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