We harvested a part of a row of potatoes at our community garden plot. This was a mix of dark Norlund red potatoes and Yukon Gold potatoes. We will pull up the rest of the row the next time we back at our plot and have room in the bucket. Potatoes are a great crop to plant in a community garden plot. Most importantly the vegetable is under the ground out of sight and mind for anyone passing by looking for a few free snacks. While our garden does not have a lot of trouble in this regard people do have strawberries, watermelons, and other high-value, easily identifiable crops that go missing from time to time.

You know potatoes are ready for harvest when the leaves turn yellow and the stalks fall over.  In order to not damage the tubers when digging them out it is important to use a garden fork to harvest root vegetables as it will loosen the soil near the tubers.  The best garden fork tools will have long thick tines capable of breaking up hard soil.  A shovel will work in a pinch but a garden fork is the preferred garden tool to get the job done.