by John Johnson | Jul 30, 2021 | Food Forest, Videos
Enjoying our first garden oyster mushroom harvest. Mushrooms are an excellent option for urban homesteaders looking to maximize the potential of their food forest gardens. We planted mushrooms in buckets of straw and directly into the wood chip mulch around plants in...
by John Johnson | Jul 29, 2021 | Community Garden, Growing Vegetables, Videos
Today we harvested the first round of snow peas and some of the broccoli that we planted earlier this year in our community garden plot. We love planting late winter crops such as these and getting to enjoy the harvest in early spring. We have sugar snap peas, Oregon...
by John Johnson | Jul 29, 2021 | Food Forest, Videos
We are harvested tons of peaches from our urban food forest in our front yard. We thin the fruit trees in order to make sure the fruit that grows gets large and ripe. The peaches started to ripen up last week and there is a faint smell of delicious peach when you get...
by John Johnson | Jul 29, 2021 | Growing Vegetables, Videos
We harvested marionberries, raspberries, and blueberries in our food forest for the past several weeks. We love growing lots of berries. There are few things better than vine-ripened fresh berries. We grow our marionberries on a simple trellis in order to maximize...
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